Monday, October 30, 2023

10th Birthday Cake Baking

While it has been well over eight months since our girl turned 10, the thought of not sharing this set seemed like an impossible ask.  After all, our girl only hits double digits once and a decade of life is certainly worth celebrating!

As many of you know, Emma has been attending a hybrid school for many years.  As a part of that, we often have projects and experiments to do at home that align with what she is learning.  It just so happened that leading up to her tenth birthday, her class was studying chemistry, specifically the chemistry found in food, in the weeks before her birthday.  One of the options for a science experiment was to bake a cake and after many years of new food exploring with Dad, my girl was all in.  Since her favorite cake is marble (mine too), it just made sense that she would make a two-layer marble cake to celebrate her birthday.  Look out world, because this girl has serious skills and has an experienced assistant to give her guidance.

It always makes me smile to see people's personalities shine through in my pictures.  I love to watch my girl's face light up or a smile sneak across her face as she gets to experience something that brings her joy.  Since this was our family's first experience with making a homemade marble cake, there were lots of learning opportunities for making sure that the batter was done according to the directions and teaching her how to get the swirl just right.  Then it was time for the actual baking!!

Watching your cake take form is such an exciting moment.  Making a homemade cake that has a good consistency and doesn't fall apart when you go to decorate it is a BIG success!

But of course, our girl's goal was so much higher!  Her vision was iced and sprinkled and lovely and YUMMY!!

I was truly in awe of her as I watched her work.  Her attention to detail isn't always her highest strength (what ten-year old's is) but today, she was SO amazing!  And the final decorating details were definitely her favorite.

A ring of butterfly sprinkles around the outside was just what this animal lover was hoping for!  And a generous splattering of colorful sprinkles was a must for the end.

The last step, of course, was candles and wishes for a decade with this beauty.  Trust me when I tell you that if smell and taste-a-vision were a thing, you would be all in on this 10-year-old's science experiment too!!  My household is looking forward to this girl's skills being available for her next birthday and many birthdays in the future!

Until next time,